Improving Spelling (Pronunciation) Tips Ways of Learning how to Spell, Learn to hear and to say words correctly English Spelling learning.
Improving Spelling
Poor Spelling is an individual matter frequently related to faulty sight, hearing and memory. Unfortunately, not only does incorrect spelling interfere with communication, but it is also mis-presents you. How ever, anyone can learn to spell if he wants to by just attacking words from four directions: seeing,hearing,speaking,writing.
Ways of Learning to Spell
A. Look at words carefully
1. Circle or underlined words that contain trouble spots for you; then concentrate on those letters or letter combinations:
2. Use mental study the feature of word: the tall letters, the ones that drop below the line, their position in a word. Stare at the shape of a word. Try to visualize the contours of a word.
3. Pair a troublesome word with one that you know how to spell:
B. Learn to hear and to say words correctly
Women friend trouble
definite forty describe
2. Use mental study the feature of word: the tall letters, the ones that drop below the line, their position in a word. Stare at the shape of a word. Try to visualize the contours of a word.
3. Pair a troublesome word with one that you know how to spell:
Before more quiet diet
B. Learn to hear and to say words correctly
1. Notice the sounds that make words. Make sure you pronounce words correctly yourself. The following are some words that are misspelled chiefly because of mispronunciation:
- omitting the sound of a letter:
modern exactly performance
- inserting an extra letter:
hungry ( not hung-er-ry) Lighting ( not light-en-ing)
- transporting letters:
introduce ( not in-ter-duce)
library ( not lib-ra-rary)
2. Pay attention to words with silent letters. When writing it is advisable to actually pronounce the silent letter:
Listen ===== lis ten
Listen ===== lis ten
handsome=== hand some
cupboard====cup board
mortgage====mort gage
mortgage====mort gage